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Providing Grass fed Beef, Pastured Pork, Pastured Chicken and Eggs
Your Spokane and Colville Family Farm
Tired of figuring out what to make for dinner- at 4pm when everyone's hungry?
I have been there! With 3 small boys to feed, sometimes it felt like I had to choose between spending time with them and making dinner.
If I spent time with the kids, then our meals were something quick that we had to choke down, and I knew wasn't good for them.
I finally figured it out - and now I can help you.
Our farm serves busy moms who prioritize health AND family time.
We provide super tasty Beef, Pork and chicken along with recipes that are easy to make with little prep time all while tasting great.
Never feel guilty when deciding between a savory meal or spending time with your family.
You can have both.
Step 1
Shop for food you trust.
Step 2
Pickup from one of our no hassle drop sites or on farm.
Step 3
Feast on real meat without any guilt.
3 easy steps

Drop Points
-Spokane Northtown Mall 2nd Saturday of the month 10:00am-10:30am​
-Colville Grocery Outlet First Tuesday of the month at 10:00am
-On farm (by appointment available most days)
Any additional details for your drop will be e-mailed to you before the meet up.
It is super simple. Place an order. Show up to the Address that I e-mail you between the times set. I will have a sign that says Sunbeams Farm. Can't wait to see you!
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